growing up in my household, if you misbehaved, you had to write sentences... my mom often choose bible verses for us to write about a
hundred times or so.. one of my moms favorites came straight out of the book of p
hilippians 'i will do all things without grumbling and complaining' - with as many times as i had to write that verse over and over - you think i would have learned by now..
but poor
ben had to remind of that sentence multiple times today - because on average i complained about every 3.5 seconds this afternoon.. (in my defense we are two months into a project that
ben said 'shouldn't take that long' - and this weekend the
santa annas and all the construction dust created the perfect
storm for my sinuses - and my allergies went into over drive..)
here are some more pix of all the fun:
ben tried to hang a door about 9 times with no success.. we kept measuring and remeasuring - eventually we even bought a new door thinking that the old door must be defective - which was not the case.. we
finally called our friend
kevyn who came over for reinforcements..
kevyn figured out that we had a rogue 2x4 - which was not
straight, and was causing all problems.. so big thanks to
kevyn for saving the day..
ben putting up cement board.. good times..

me doing the most thankless project known to man.. to me - this is my least favorite job..
ben had me 'mud' in some nail holes from the dry wall he hung, and then i had to sand them over - and mud them again... it was very dirty - and dust got everywhere..
so after spending a couple hours helping
ben - i realize that i should not complain.. because he has been working on this project non stop for the last 8 weeks - and i realize that next time overtime is offered at work - i am totally taking it - and paying someone who knows a little more about construction then i do..