Wednesday, June 04, 2008

business time

ever since we got back from mexico ben's looked like this:

he has been working on putting the truck back together since sunday -
here's the tally:
days worked on truck - 4 (and that's just putting it back together - he spent two days taking the damn thing apart)
bolts broken - 2 and 1 stripped
new tools bought for this specific project - 4

so far the truck is winning... ben's working from home today - just so he can finish this project - so today - in between working his actual job he is somehow fitting in working on the truck..

taking a conference call - on a break from the truck

i've spent the last two days on the couch studying for my state board test..
so - lesson learned: mexico - much more fun then home.. i need a pool and some wine STAT..

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1 comment:

Chelsea said...

So where can I get a kick butt outfit like that? You look rad (as liz would say).

Good girl for studying!

ps....we're still missing ya!