Its a sad day at the Cote household. I think my Dew shirt has finally reached the point of non-wearable and must be retired. I'd frame it and hang it on the wall if Chara would let me, but alas i think she would not. So farewell oh great shirt of Mountain Dew. I've only had it maybe 16 or 17 years. They just don't make them like they used to.

Its a shame. its at that perfect point of super soft/will disintigrate if you try to put it on.
Its a shame. its at that perfect point of super soft/will disintigrate if you try to put it on.
Seriously, you guys are killing my husband here. First the hating on Jack Bauer and now the throwing away of the "dew" shirt. You've broken his heart into a million pieces!
But I do appreciate the sound medical advice in case of heart attack. Thanks Chara!
It's a sad sad day!
FYI..Kimberly's sister Janeen had a bunch of her shirts made into a quilt. It looks very cool, and didn't cost that much. That's my plan for mine.
ok - to be fair i do have some flaws (like my non appreciation for all things 24) - however.. ben getting rid of his dew shirt has nothing to do with me - i would never ask that of him.. i know better than that..
sorry Keith.
didn't mean to throw this all on you at once like that.
Flaws or not, this non appreciation
for 24 creates friction and causes others to not be able to put our trust in you.) How do we know you are being honest? I find it hard to believe that you were not following Jacks example and holding a gun to Neb's head, forcing him to get rid of the shirt he holds so dear to him.
why do hate the shirt so? Does Neb sleep with it on at night and you are jealous of the shirt?
to be honest I have not seen my shirt in years, But i do still have it and have plans for it's retirement!
I gotta go lie down
That's what I'm here for. I know exactly where the revered "dew" shirt is! Packed in a box with a ton of other t-shirts that are to become part of our quilt!
Woohoo! Not all is lost!
or, all is not lost
now that's a good wife.. perhaps i should take some lessons..
Nightmares and cold sweats all night!
Wanna know something? I LOVE that you have a shirt this OLD. I own MULTIPLE shirts of this nature. Jimmy HATES them. He tries to rip new holes in them if I wear them because he hates them. In fact, just tore the sleeve off one three days ago. I told him thanks for adding more character. Then I wore the sleeve around my head in 80's headband fashion. This shirt made me get an A on my test. It gave me power. These shirts are my "lucky" shirts. They feel like home when I wear them and I must not part until there is no other choice. I can only wish I still had my favorite Yoda shirt from 1989. That would have been a real gem by now.
tshirt quilt. genius idea from people i don't even know. thanks.
That's why I'm here. To support the un-known.
See Neb, She get's it. Magic shirts and trash cans don't mix.
send it to me I'll add to my quilt and you can come visit it!
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