It was really hot this day and we were sharing water. Thank God for this crazy man who hiked up a 28 pound watermellon in his pack for training.
oh so good... the perfect treat atop half dome
Us atop Half dome (a little bright)
When bears attack! we ditched chara's bag on the way to Half dome as we had to come back down that way anyway. we took out all the food but left the alcohol for the campnig stove. the bear got into it... crazy drunk bear
The bear also ripped up the thermarest
Thats the bear that ate Chara's backpack.
Chara coming down the mist trail, Nevada falls behind her
Vernal falls... so beautiful
the base of Vernal Falls
Chara on the bus in Yosemite valley after the hike... she liked the bus a lot
Half dome at dusk from the Valley
Us happy in our tent after the big hike
Chara is a happy camper now...
Oh the joys of real food
Thats what we did... 15.9 to Yosemite Valley, plus a 4 mile detour up and down Half dome.
looks like you guys had an awesome time. crazy drunk bears. oh and love how you made the "real food" pit stop ASAP!
looks like a fabulous trip!
wish we could have joined you!
miss you guys!
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