Tuesday, December 19, 2006


i do not in anyway indorse ben's post about coke.. and how it's bad for you.. in fact i don't think it's right.. so.. read it.. but know that it gets two thumbs down from chara..


Ben.. said...

this from the girl with a 2-liter of Dr. Pepper in her hand at all times...

chara said...

don't be fooled just becuase the words
'adenosine receptors' are used.. that doesn't make the article right..

Anonymous said...

Ben, you are quite observant... notice the article is about COKE not the good ole' D to the P! Drink on my fair Charo...

Ben.. said...

yes DP is still the true picture of health drink and is rumored to cure what ails you.

Drink up and often!